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Did you know that you and your friend can benefit when you refer them to the BeniPlus Wallet? Not only will your friend gain access to tailor-made benefits that fit any headcount or budget, but you and your friend will both enjoy a $20 Uber Eats Gift Card on us when they sign up. 

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The BeniPlus Wallet

Small businesses can allow their employees to allocate their benefits between any or all of the following options:

Healthcare Spending Account

Cover routine medical costs such as medications, glasses and massage.


Wellness Spending Account

Help employees with non-medical, wellness expenses such as gym memberships.



Enhance employee financial security by contributing to retirement savings.


Charitable Giving

Empower employees to give to one of more than 18,000 registered Canadian charities.


Personal Insurance

Give employees the option to top up their group plan with various, additional individual insurance plans.


The Benefits of a BeniPlus Wallet

Through our unique online wallet, employers can provide employees with a fixed sum of money for healthcare, wellness, savings, personal insurance, and charitable giving.

With no set-up fee, no on-going fees, no float requirement and simple on-line set-up and enrollment for both employers and employees, the BeniPlus Wallet de-risks a small business owner's decision to provide benefits to employees. The fixed sum of money also means no annual renewal and puts control of benefit costs squarely in the hands of the small business owner.

What Our Customers Say

BeniPlus has been a life-saver, a money-saver, and a time-saver for our organization. I wanted to provide my employees with good health insurance, but before BeniPlus, I found that we were paying for a policy that cost us more than it was worth. It cost my employees more out-of-pocket money than what was offered to them as a “benefit.” The switch to BeniPlus has saved our organization and our employees thousands of dollars by providing us with the flexibility to determine our own insurance needs. And what’s more, BeniPlus has the best customer service of any insurance carrier we’ve encountered!

We have been very happy with the flexibility available through the BeniPlus Wallet. The BeniPlus Wallet has allowed our employees to choose to allocate benefits in the areas they actually use depending on their health, wellness, and retirement needs. This allows for employees to choose coverage that is both flexible to their needs, but also comprehensive in what it covers – it’s something we are proud to offer to employees and have received a lot of positive feedback on.

Have Questions?

How Much Do Benefits Cost?

With a BeniPlus Wallet, employers assign each employee a maximum amount of benefits they can claim each year, but the employer only pays for expenses that are actually claimed plus a 7.5% administration fee. e.g. If the employee is given a maximum of $1,000 for the year, but only spends $100, the company only pays $107.5. There are no startup costs, no monthly premiums, and no hidden fees.

What’s the Difference Between a Healthcare Spending Account and a Wellness Spending Account?

Healthcare Spending Accounts (HSA) and Wellness Spending Accounts (WSA) are both Flexible Spending Accounts. As the name implies, these types of plans give employees an allotment of funds for employee benefits that employees can spend in the way that best suits their individual requirements.

An HSA covers qualified medical expenses such as prescription drugs, dental visits, chiropractor or massage, as well as many other expenses not covered by a provincial health plan. The Canadian Revenue Agency considers these to be non-taxable income, which means that when a company gives them to an employee, they are not added to the employee’s income for tax purposes.

A WSA covers wellness related expenses such as gym membership, sports league fees, and educational costs. Because they are non-medical, the CRA considers them to be taxable income, so they are added to an employee’s income for tax purposes. 

What About Major Expenses?

In addition to a BeniPlus Wallet, an employer may opt to get group insurance for employees to help coverage for major, unforeseen events. This can include Major Medical (Catastrophic), Travel, Life, Long-Term Disability and Critical Illness. Employees are also free to use their Benefit Wallet to purchase individual plans to supplement their group plans or to fill in gaps when no coverage is provided by the employer.

How Do These Employee Benefits Compare to Traditional Health and Dental Plans?

Our BeniPlus Wallet is more simple, flexible and affordable than the traditional group plans that are often offered by larger corporations. It is very simple for the employer to set up and the employee to get on-boarded; employees get to choose which benefits they want to use; and the costs are less expensive for the employer.